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If you want to know why things are the way they are...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Making it simple...

Central banks are able to steal with impunity because most people don't take the time to understand what's being done to them. The banking business is deliberately shrouded in mystery to make the regular joe feel like it's beyond him so he has to trust the system. I have news for you, this banking system is not beyond your understanding, period. If you can soup up a car in your garage, build a shed in the backyard or balance your checkbook, you'll have no trouble understanding what's going on providing someone is willing to explain it. Well, I just found a classic cartoon that does a really good job of uncovering the secrets of banking (read, "method of theft"). If you are interested, please click here and download the comic from the web site. It's free. The only caution I have for you is that the numbers are MUCH larger now but the principles are the same. The bank frauds are going on all over the world but it may be able to be stopped in the US.

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